C1_W4_Assignment: * ### Grader Error: Grader feedback not found
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Please help me to solve this
I assume that you have completed all the graded portions of the notebook and that all of them pass the internal tests in the notebook.
If that is true, then one easy experiment to try is:
Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output
The point is that the grader does not need to see your generated output in the notebook and sometimes large output can cause issues for the grader. Please try that and let us know if it helps.
If that doesn’t fix things, then there must be something structural wrong. Either your code is not general and you are failing one of the grader’s test cases or you’ve accidentally damaged some portion of the notebook that the grader depends on.
Maybe the simpler method would be just to look at your notebook. We can’t do that on a public thread, but there are private ways to do that. Please check your messages for a DM from me (you can recognize DMs by the little envelope icon).
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To close the loop on the public thread, it turns out that quite a few pretty radical changes were made in the code outside the “YOUR CODE HERE” sections, including changing the function signatures of several of the graded functions. That does not end well. Need to take a step back and start with a clean notebook and “copy/paste” over just the required “YOUR CODE HERE” segments.
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