C1-W4 Grading Error and Need help

I’ve encountered grading error in C1-W4. Maybe there are some issues with my code.
I try to restart again. Can someone provide me the refresh file of “C1_W4_Assignment.ipynb” and I can upload to the assignment? I hadn’t backup the original file.

Hi @ChatGPT1

Here are the instructions how to refresh your workspace.


Hi @arvyzukai ,

This hyperlink doesn’t work for me. When I click it, it direct me to " Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models", which seems to be another course.

What I’m learning is [Natural Language Processing]/[NLP with Classification and Vector Spaces]/week 4.

Do you have any other suggestion?
Thanks a lot.

Hi @ChatGPT1

I edited the link to Course 1.


Awesome. It works.
Thanks a ton.

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