C1W1_Assignment Not Working

There are many threads related to the assignment you are having issue, as your topic lacks information about what is not working with your assignment, I can best suggest you to use search tool for Housing price assignment, refer those thread.

Also kindly refer the FAQ section to go through guidelines as

  1. You are not following community guidelines.
  2. You are not following code of conduct.
  3. You have not assigned the topic in the right category to get response from respective course mentors.
  4. You have not explained your issue briefly other than posting your codes from grade cell which is prohibited.

Kindly provide information if you have encountered error then share a screenshot of the error. If failing the assignment, then share a screenshot of submission grader output which gives detail on why you failed. If any doubt, explain briefly about the doubt.

Note: For this time, I am moving your thread to the right category. As you are beginner I sincerely suggest you to go through FAQ section for better use of Discourse community.

Sharing a similar link thread that might help you with your issue, let me know if you have any doubt?
