C1W3_Assignment Exercise 1 Submission Error

Completed the assignment and every test passed successfully, but upon submission its grading all exercises as zero, with error as “There was a problem compiling the code from your notebook. Details:
name ‘parameters’ is not defined” . Tried closing and reopening the notebook and execute all exercises again, but still no luck.

Are you sure you really checked all your outputs after “Cell → Run All”? Do all the tests actually pass? I would not trust the results from “Validate”.

If everything runs successfully in the notebook, but fails the grader, I can think of two basic theories:

  1. You have some reference to global variables or other forms of “hard-coding” in your functions.
  2. Maybe you are clicking “Submit” in a renamed copy of the notebook. If you do that, please be aware that the grader does not grade the notebook you are running: it grades the “official” one that is opened by the “Work in Browser” link (or whatever the link is here).

If 2) is not the problem, then the first step in debugging this would be to use the ^F search to find all occurrences of “parameters” in your logic. There must be something wrong in one of those cases.

Thank you @paulinpaloalto

  1. All exercises have completed successfully, i’m getting the output “All test passed” and the required output in the last 2 exercises. I tried closing and reopening the notebook and did a “Run all cells”, again everything passes successfully.
  2. Did a search for “parameters” , i do not have it hard coded anywhere. The only “parameters” are the ones declared the in the notebook to start with.
  3. This is the only notebook I have, not working in any other copy.

Ok, I guess it’s time to look at your code. We can’t do that in public here, but I will send you a DM message about how to do that.