I am not sure what is wrong , I see this issue . Any help would be greatly appreciated.
hi @Ashwin3
your 1 test value is not matching and that is related to vocab. so check in your codes related to the vocab mentioned for a given word.
note your test value passed for getting the correct words and the probabilities but not for the vocabulary.
I checked it again , and i cant find anything off with the vocab
send the screenshot of the codes via personal DM
I’m getting this despite all other unit tests passing with the output matching exactly whats given apart from Exercise 10.
My output is this … entered word = dys
suggestions = [‘myst’, ‘days’, ‘d’, ‘desp’, ‘us’, ‘ways’, ‘lays’, ‘de’, ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘rs’, ‘dogs’, ‘yes’, ‘by’, ‘ry’, ‘aye’, ‘as’, ‘is’, ‘dyed’, ‘dog’, ‘ay’, ‘tis’, ‘did’, ‘dyer’, ‘my’, ‘dye’, ‘boys’, ‘dun’, ‘eye’, ‘dies’, ‘his’, ‘die’, ‘dost’, ‘was’, ‘day’, ‘ass’, ‘s’, ‘says’, ‘pays’, ‘y’, ‘dry’, ‘due’, ‘dust’, ‘du’, ‘dar’, ‘has’, ‘eyes’, ‘ye’]
word 0: (‘myst’, 1.865184466743761e-05), probability 1.000000
word 1: (‘days’, 0.0004103405826836274), probability 1.000000
data type of corrections <class ‘list’> and the unit test output is this …
Wrong output values.
Expected: [(‘days’, 0.0004103405826836274), (‘dye’, 1.865184466743761e-05)].
Got: [((‘myst’, 1.865184466743761e-05), 1), ((‘days’, 0.0004103405826836274), 1)].
Wrong output values.
Expected: [(‘star’, 0.00013056291267206328), (‘sat’, 5.595553400231283e-05)].
Got: [((‘sail’, 7.460737866975044e-05), 1), ((‘sir’, 0.0021636139814227625), 1)].
Wrong output values.
Expected: [(‘say’, 0.0019770955347483865), (‘can’, 0.0019211400007460738), (‘an’, 0.0017719252434065728), (‘man’, 0.0013242809713880702), (‘son’, 0.0007274219420300668)].
Got: [((‘sala’, 5.595553400231283e-05), 1), ((‘fans’, 1.865184466743761e-05), 1), ((‘sons’, 5.595553400231283e-05), 1), ((‘wan’, 1.865184466743761e-05), 1), ((‘sea’, 0.00024247398067668894), 1)].
6 Tests passed
3 Tests failed
I’m sure it’s something small but I can’t see it right now
I am too getting Wrong output values for word ‘san’. It say expected 5 but got 15. Anybody else facing similar issues or have some suggestion. Please reply.
Hi DP,
I got similar problem. See screenshots for output and errors. I suspect something incorrect with my suggestions statement but not sure how to fix it. See below:
suggestions = (word for word in vocab) or edit_one_letter(word, allow_switches) or edit_two_letters(word, allow_switches) or word
the expected output mentions to keep verbose=True
Watch out not to use verbose flag in place of allow switches.
Issue resolved. Thanks