C2_W1 Exercise 10: Final test is failing but not sure why?

I’m getting this despite all other unit tests passing with the output matching exactly whats given apart from Exercise 10.

My output is this … entered word = dys
suggestions = [‘myst’, ‘days’, ‘d’, ‘desp’, ‘us’, ‘ways’, ‘lays’, ‘de’, ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘rs’, ‘dogs’, ‘yes’, ‘by’, ‘ry’, ‘aye’, ‘as’, ‘is’, ‘dyed’, ‘dog’, ‘ay’, ‘tis’, ‘did’, ‘dyer’, ‘my’, ‘dye’, ‘boys’, ‘dun’, ‘eye’, ‘dies’, ‘his’, ‘die’, ‘dost’, ‘was’, ‘day’, ‘ass’, ‘s’, ‘says’, ‘pays’, ‘y’, ‘dry’, ‘due’, ‘dust’, ‘du’, ‘dar’, ‘has’, ‘eyes’, ‘ye’]
word 0: (‘myst’, 1.865184466743761e-05), probability 1.000000
word 1: (‘days’, 0.0004103405826836274), probability 1.000000
data type of corrections <class ‘list’> and the unit test output is this …

Wrong output values.
Expected: [(‘days’, 0.0004103405826836274), (‘dye’, 1.865184466743761e-05)].
Got: [((‘myst’, 1.865184466743761e-05), 1), ((‘days’, 0.0004103405826836274), 1)].
Wrong output values.
Expected: [(‘star’, 0.00013056291267206328), (‘sat’, 5.595553400231283e-05)].
Got: [((‘sail’, 7.460737866975044e-05), 1), ((‘sir’, 0.0021636139814227625), 1)].
Wrong output values.
Expected: [(‘say’, 0.0019770955347483865), (‘can’, 0.0019211400007460738), (‘an’, 0.0017719252434065728), (‘man’, 0.0013242809713880702), (‘son’, 0.0007274219420300668)].
Got: [((‘sala’, 5.595553400231283e-05), 1), ((‘fans’, 1.865184466743761e-05), 1), ((‘sons’, 5.595553400231283e-05), 1), ((‘wan’, 1.865184466743761e-05), 1), ((‘sea’, 0.00024247398067668894), 1)].
6 Tests passed
3 Tests failed

I’m sure it’s something small but I can’t see it right now

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Please DM the screenshot of the grade cell codes you failing in the above comment.

Don’t post the codes here.


i am too facing Wrong output length message. Say expected out put was 5 but got 15. Happening for word ‘san’

kindy create a new topic with a screenshot of your output with the expected output. @Vikas_Tiwari3


Sure Deepti

Hi @Vikas_Tiwari3

Is your issue still not resolved? in case you make a new post, you can tag me in that post. As far as if you have the same error, your entered word and suggested word don’t match with the expected output,

So I would first check if the get corrections grade cell has been recalled correctly if word in the probs are correctly recalled with the suggestions of probability.

if you are confident you followed the instructions correctly with the hints given, then I would go back and check edit_one_letter(most common you need to recheck this properly) and edit_two letters are correctly recalled.

Let me know if you found any issues and need guidance. Also tag mentors name in case you want to notify them of your response on post, so we are notified.


Limits the suggestions list from 0 to n and will fix the problem