What’s wrong here ?
even though i wrote the code right , but i didn’t solve exercise 4 does this might be the problem ?
What’s wrong here ?
More likely something is wrong with your unit code somewhere. Let’s start with this-- before the grader are you passing the intermediate tests ?
It looks like you must not have completed all the code. There’s a “None” value in the notebook that is apparently being treated as a function call and that does not end well, as we see.
If all the tests ran in the notebook, then one theory would be that you did not hit “Save” before you did the “Submit” and as a result the grader is seeing an older version of the code than you are running. Try this:
Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output
Cell -> Run All
Then page through and make sure all the tests pass. If so, then hit “Submit” and see what happens.
Let us know!