I can’t seem to understand what needs to be done here.
Any hints or advice on how to think through this example?
C2 W1 - Exercise 8: Modifying the Domain
Modify schema
using tfdv.set_domain such that each feature within feature_list
now has metformin's domain
( identified by to_domain_name
thanks - that helped.
When I submit I keep getting 0%, but the answers seem correct. Is there an issue with the marking checks?
What do you mean by:
I submit my work and get 0%. I’m pretty sure it should be above 80%
Is there a way to reset the assignment?
Please follow these steps to refresh your workspace
Grading is still not working - can I just submit the notebook to get the grade so I can move on?
What’s the grader feedback?
Still 0% - which is definitely wrong.
Please click my name and message your notebook as an attachment. You don’t have to complete assignments sequentially. Feel free to move forward with rest of the course.
Your notebook didn’t has compilation issues in exercise 9 which explains the 0. I just fixed your notebook and got 100%. The grader isn’t broken.
See this link to know about partial grading of an assignment.
The method modify_domain_of_features
does incorreect iteration of feature_list since you’re using a global variable feature
ok, thanks for your help.
Probably worthwhile highlighting some of those points to folks like myself on the course with less coding experience.