Hi everyone. I’ve been facing strange error in grading for quite some time. All my codes passed unit tests and I’ve re-submitted quite few times just but still got 0 grade.
Here is screenshot of “Grades” section. As you see there is a message saying there was some kind a problem compiling my code, but I didn’t get it.
Lab ID: njbltnwrkcpt.
Any ideas what is happening?
Finally found issue. Apparently I’ve accidentally deleted meta data while running over cells.
How I solved? Steps:
- Renamed File
- From “Help” menu loaded latest version of lab
- From “File” menu opened new ‘latest version’. PS: not the renamed file
- Solved all exercises again and submitted
Hope in the future someone faces the same issue, this will benefit.
Hello, right now i am having the same issue. Ive tried your method of solving it, but unfortunately it is not working. If someone is reading this and if you have found a fix please reply to me. Thx in advance
Check for exercise 3,
Fit the linear regression model passing X_sklearn and Y_sklearn arrays into the function lr_sklearn.fit
you are using, no attributes coef.
But I doubt this could be more related to you editing beyond the markers ###START AND END CODE HERE###, So get a fresh copy and redo the assignment without editing, adding or deleting any thing outside the markers ###START AND END CODE HERE### for successful submission.
Also remember some autograders are programmed in a way that failing a single test exercise even if you passed all other test cause 0 grading. The idea behind this approach is for the programmer to complete the error without any mistakes left as some tend to avoid addressing their error only passing an assignment.