C2 W2 lab is very slow and then self cancels unless I babysit it

When I run the training using a “reasonable” net (based on earlier labs and lectures), each epoch takes a few minutes and there are 15 epochs. This is fine, but when I stepped away from the computer it self canceled halfway through the training. How can I make it so that I don’t have to babysit Colab?

If you are not using GPU as the runtime environment, go to Runtime > Change runtime type > Notebook settings and set the Hardware accelerator to GPU.

Google colab offers pro account with a pay as you go option. If that option doesn’t work, you’ll have to rent a cloud instance or solve the problem on your personal desktop / laptop.

Thanks Balaji. I checked that it is using GPUs and it seems to be doing so by default. My question is twofold:

  1. Is there a way to make it go faster? (Seems like the answer is “pay additional money”) and
  2. Is there a way to make it so I don’t need to babysit it? This means moving my mouse around on the webpage so it knows I’m “there.” I failed to do this for just
    a bit too long on one training, and it quit after finishing 14.4 of 15 epochs which had taken 45 minutes already. This course is generally efficient and pro-education, so I perceive this UI behavior as running contrary to the spirit of the course.
  1. All things remaining the same (i.e. python environment and network architecture), the paid plan is likely to speed things up. The reason I say likely is because I’m unsure if GPU allocation is random or if there’s a guaranteed speedup.
  2. Try:
    a. NN with the same number of layers but with fewer parameters.
    b. I’ve heard of Mouse Jiggler. Not sure if it’s the answer in keeping the colab session active.