C2_W3_Assignment_The assignment finished and submitted but cannot be graded

Hi Abdallah,

Thank you for reporting the issue, did you get the expected output when you ran the code? You can review the functions from Lab: Feature Selection from week 2 as a reference and try again.

If the exercise still cannot be graded, please dm me your code for the exercise and we can try to solve the issue :slight_smile:

Hi Th_o_Vy_Le_Nguy_n
Thank you for your help ,Yes i got the expected output when i ran the code

Hi, I reviewed your notebook, and its metadata might be missing. Please check notebook metadata and refresh the workspace .

Also, I noticed at 4.1, you added # grade-up-to-here. If so, the lab will ignore the rest of your code. In Excercise 7, the grading tag ### START CODE HERE ### is missing.

Let me know if it will fix the issue.

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