C2-W3 pipeline execution fails

Exercise 7.5 fails with the error copied below after ~50 minutes.
I saw other posts reporting a similar problem but no solution.
Attaching my notebook.

C2_W3_Assignment.ipynb (104.0 KB)

IMPORTANT NOTE: I finished the course except for this lab and the week1 lab which also doesn’t work (C2-W1 assignment processing job failing). I uploaded complete notebooks for both those labs but due to these errors I cannot complete the course. As far as I’m concerned I’ve learned what I need out of the course and am not interested in re-doing the labs and especially not in making my next month’s payment.
I ask that the notebooks be manually checked and that I get credit for them so I’m able to complete the course before I get charged again on the 12th of this month.

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[{'PipelineExecutionArn': 'arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:898135507376:pipeline/bert-pipeline-1667313735/execution/fdepwb9zt02l',
  'PipelineExecutionDisplayName': 'execution-1667315520702',
  'PipelineExecutionFailureReason': 'Step failure: One or multiple steps '
  'PipelineExecutionStatus': 'Failed',
  'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 1, 15, 12, 0, 540000, tzinfo=tzlocal())},
 {'PipelineExecutionArn': 'arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:898135507376:pipeline/bert-pipeline-1667313735/execution/3hkycxwtfdua',
  'PipelineExecutionDisplayName': 'execution-1667314477858',
  'PipelineExecutionFailureReason': 'Step failure: One or multiple steps '
  'PipelineExecutionStatus': 'Failed',
  'StartTime': datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 1, 14, 54, 37, 783000, tzinfo=tzlocal())}]
CPU times: user 27.3 s, sys: 1.2 s, total: 28.5 s
Wall time: 49min 8s

I encountered the same issue as well…

I bumped into this issue a few times. From the log it seems to be caused by environmental conflicts. It happen with multiple steps (e.g. Processing, EvaluateModel).

Can the lab designers double check on the environment set up? It’s very frustrating!