C2W1 SQL Lab. I Don't know what to do in the Lab

Good afternoon.
I have completed week one and I have been trying to attempt the the first Lab in Course 2 Week1. I have opened up the lab and got to step 2. How ever I have failed to load the files to start the practice. I don’t know how to and seem to not understand where I am to run or execute the files needed in step 2

Kind regards

Hello @MoyoKwaLee,
This is a practice lab that shows how to connect to a database (rentio_database_erd.png in the picture) and run SQL queries.
As you can see a practice lab provides a second notebook with the solution, later in the course you have to complete the None so pay attention to those labs before you see the solution.
In the other file C2_W1_Lab1.SQL.ipynb you can see two types of cells:
instructions: markdown
executable cells: code
Your task is to run the executable cells one by one and fill the None or check the solutions. Every time you run a cell you see a green checkmark. That means you can continue with the next code, here I run each cell and I get a number in the bottom left corner, that means the order I executed: