Hello @peter_w,
I can see the notebook not loading properly, if you haven’t tried a different browser, I suggest you do. Clearing your cache and cookies could also help and turn-off ad-blocking software as well. When updating did you follow the instructions, it says somewhere it will have no effect if you dont rename/delete the previous file. Thank you
I have been literally one week trying to pass over the Assignment 3 Advanced SQL Queries, particularly on the graded Exercise 3 where the Expected Output vs my delivered output is somehow close, however, the grader seems not to like it and marks 0/10 every time. I need help as times is flying by.
Hello @amiguel,
It looks like you are using the rental_id instead of the film_id. Also in the expected output you are in part 3.2 and only later in part 3.3 you need to JOIN to find the category names. Hope it helps
Hi @amiguel, you selected in the film_category the rental_id and get those numbers. To fix it you need to select DISTINCT category.name and film_id. Also fix the film_category_count to select COUNT(film_id). Try to get the correct output for films. If you need anuthing try to make a new topic, this one is solved. Cheers
Hi @Georgios I am having some issues with my lab. I solved all the exercises, but it only shows a score of 60%. My lab also displays some duplicate exercises, like 10.2 = 10.3 and 11.2 = 12.
Hello @valdyferreis,
One thing I can see clearly from the output is that you need the correct total_amount. A second thing is to check the cell has the tag of the exercise to get graded (e.g. exercise 10 should have the ex10 tag).
I could give instructions to add the cell tag, just right click inside the cell and there’s an option there. I hope it helps
Hello @valdyferreis,
I can tell from the total amount that you have the wrong dates in exercise 1 (2005-07-31 instead of 2005-08-01).
You count one day less and which cause the total_amounts to be smaller.
If you have duplicate exercises for some reason and want to get a fresh notebook (and keep the old one as well). Follow these instructions. Thanks
Did you fix exercise 1, which other has problem and still don’t pass. You should also check to use the correct column names in the output (films instead of film_count etc). Try to rename this notebook and get a new one with the instructions above if you still have an issue, Hope it helps
Hi, @Georgios, I have a problem in my lab c4w1 data modeling with DBT , C4w2 modeling and transforming text data for ML, I’m not able to create an environment in AWS CLOUD9 I’ve been having this problem for two days, can you help me?
Hello @valdyferreis,
Unfortunately, I could not reproduce the issue, and the lab environment fired up immediately. If you already tried the other public subnet options after deleting the environment that takes too long. I suggest to complete this form and refresh the lab. Thanks for your patience
Hello @valdyferreis,
Yes the terminal looks unresponsive,. If it takes too long you could wait for a new lab session.
Did you check the rds-exract job status in AWS glue console before you cancel with ctrl+c?
If the issue with running the jobs in the terminal continues I suggest a lab refresh. Thank you