C2W1 Practice Lab 2 (Amazon DynamoDB NoSQL Databases)- What Learning Resources Can I Use?


I am struggling to create the code to successfully complete the exercises in this lab. Exercise 2 is the first one that I’m struggling with. I’m finding that I don’t have enough expertise based on the lecture videos and recommended reading. What would folks here recommend that I use to develop the necessary skills?


Hello @eager-AI-learner
The practice labs are created for you to be able to practice the concepts and get a better grasp on the subjects before moving on to the assignments. In all the practice labs, you have been provided with instructions for downloading the solution files. I suggest you first try to complete the exercises on your own and then matching and cross-checking your answers with those in the solution files.
Moreover, if you get stuck in any part of any lab, you can simply post your questions here in the discourse, and we will try our best to help you.
Happy learning!

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