C2W3_Assignment grading problem MLOps

There was a problem compiling the code from your notebook. Details:
./pipeline/SchemaGen/schema/[‘3’]/schema.pbtxt; No such file or directory

I am getting this error for grading my assignment. Please help me on this.

Please update your post by providing more context into the error. Don’t include snippts that’s not part of the starter code. Sharing stacktace is a good place to start.

I completed all tasks and submitted the assignment. In the grading I am getting his message

There was a problem compiling the code from your notebook. Details:
./pipeline/SchemaGen/schema/[‘3’]/schema.pbtxt; No such file or directory

I am getting this error for grading my assignment. Please help me on this.

I am thinking something I missed in Exercise 5: Curating the Schema

# Get the schema uri
schema_uri = schema_gen.outputs[‘schema’]._artifacts[0].uri

for grading since context.run() does not work outside the notebook

except IndexError:
print(“context.run() was no-op”)
schema_path = ‘./pipeline/SchemaGen/schema/3’
dir_id = os.listdir(schema_path)
schema_uri = f’{schema_path}/{dir_id}’

That doesn’t sound right. You are pointing to starter code which deals with the difference between coursera learner and grader environments.
The next cell is the one to confirm if things are right. See if tfdv.load_schema_text runs without an error on your environment. If it does, please check notebook metadata and refresh the workspace if required / in doubt. If that doesn’t help, please click my name and message your notebook as an attachment.

In exercise 5, the domain for Cover_Type is not set correctly. You should replate None with the right values.

In exercise 8, use the updated schema and examples when computing statistics_gen_updated.

I’ve notified the staff for improving grader feedback.

Saw your notebook after the changes. You’ve still not replaced all None placeholders when setting Cover_Type domain. Please fix that.

This time, you have fixed the missing parts. I tried submitting your notebook and observed the compilation failed error. So, I refreshed the workspace and pasted your code only in places where required. No cells / print statements were added / removed. The submission worked.

Please do the same.