C2W4 Lab 1 "5 - Running Your Dag": book_of_the_day.py not uploaded to Airflow UI

Hi, I’m at the Step 5: Running Your Dag. I uploaded the book_of_the_day.py in Cloud9 to Airflow (as shown in the screenshot), however it hasn’t appeared in Airflow even after more than 15 minutes of refreshing. Can you please assist me?

Thank you.

Make sure your DAG file is in the correct dags/ folder and has no syntax errors. Restart the Airflow scheduler and webserver to refresh:

airflow webserver --stop
airflow scheduler --stop
airflow webserver --start
airflow scheduler --start

Check the scheduler logs for errors and ensure the DAG isn’t paused. Let me know if you need more help! :blush:

Hope this helps!