Practice Lab 1: Airflow 101 - Building Your First Data Pipeline Import error

I am to step 5, i ran the sync but I now have a Broken DAG: DAG import error.

I am sure I missed something but not sure what?

Further review I am getting assertion errors:
File “/opt/airflow/dags/”, line 78, in get_random_book
assert “title” in response.json()

Hello @bclark
I think you may have completed line 104 of file as python_callable=get_random_book(). This means that the method get_random_book is run and its return value is set as the python_callable for the task. However, we want the method itself as the python_callable. So, the mentioned line should be python_callable=get_random_book.
Since this is a practice lab, you can download the solution files and crosscheck your files with them to see the errors.

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