C2W4 Lan 1 Airflow Building the First Data Pipepline

When working on the lab, I dont have the ‘red’ colour bar (but green bar) as explain in the note. I have tried to refresh the airflow many times, but I am stuck in the get_random_book task.

Any advice to progress from here? More information on the ‘clear’ task can be helpful.

Hello @fongsow_59
If you had copied the solutions from the provided solution files, you probably wouldn’t have faced the experimental issue that you were supposed to face in step 5. That’s because the solution files contain the final version, which is the correct version.

In the user_sessions.py file, if you have platform_sessions in the URL, you will get an error on the get_session task, otherwise you won’t.

Sorry if I am not clear.

I am working on the first lab. The first lab only has book_of_the_day.py. It did not have the user_sessions.py file.

I am trying to understand where to read the UI and log message. But I could not see any.

The following is the screen shot to show that I have corrected the code:

It seems like the first task always halt at the following statement :
assert response.status_code == 200, response.reason

@fongsow_59 your code seems fine. The assert method, however, does not halt. It either succeeds or fails an raises an exception. You are probably getting stuck at requests.get. I suggest you wait longer for the task to either succeed or timeout. It may fail due to temporary outage in openlibrary APIs. You, however, can submit your lab at this stage and get the full grade, even if the openlibrary API is not working.

I continue with the Airflow lab2. (Course 2 Week 4 Airflow Lab 2)

If there something I could work on to read the log message?

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@fongsow_59 looks like there is a problem with Airflow, and I am facing the same issue right now. I will report this and get back to you when it’s fixed.

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