I am trying to work on the assignment for week 3 by downloading it and opening it in the colab. I got the error message shared below. It works fine on the Coursera lab. Are they supposed to be worked on only in the Coursera lab environment? Please instruct.
python3: can't open file '/content/add_metadata.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Thank you,
Was the assignment Coursera Environment linked?? then you need to do by coursera Jupyter only.
In case even if you want to do with colab, you will have to download all the necessary files required to do the assignment.
Noted. However, the data files are not available on github repo right?
files could be download by clicking on coursera provided link, lab files then download all files. Also you need to make sure to keep all the necessary files and assignment in single folder in your working local directory for that to work other than Coursera or to work on personal Jupyter notebook.
So better to do on the environment they have instructed