C4 Week1 Assignment - unable to open

Hi - I am unable to start the C4 Week1 Assignment (Data Modelling with DBT) . I keep getting this error - “failed to start the lab” even after several attempts at clearing my cache in Google Chrome/ opening it in other browsers like Bing. Can you please help me?

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Perhaps try again in a few hours; sometimes, AWS seems to be going into some servicing processes…

It seems odd that other week’s assignments are opening up just fine. Just this particular assignment seems to have issues. I’ll try out in a few hours and report back.

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@Praveen_Tumuluri If the issue persists, please fill out this form.

unfortunately it still persists -

I will fill out the form. Thanks!

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@hawraa.salami I have been having this issue for more than 2 weeks. I did fill out the form and submitted but nothing seems to have happened. Can you kindly advise. Somehow, this course 4 labs are giving a lot of trouble. Even the week 2 lab I am unable to access. Please see enclosed screen shot. Cheers Ram

Hi @Ram_Sastry ,

I have some clarification questions:

  1. What is the exact issue you encountered in C4W1 labs? Which lab (Assignment or practice)? Is it the cloud9 issue you’ve attached in your post?
  2. What is exact issue you encountered in c4W2 labs?

@Ram_Sastry I can see that your account has been refreshed on Jan 3 for C4W1 dbt lab. Did you try again the lab after Jan 3?

When creating cloud9, did you make sure to choose SSH under networking?

@hawraa.salami, Yes I did after Jan 3rd. And I did choose SSH. Let me try again.

What about " Graded Programming Assignment 2: Modeling and Transforming Text Data for ML". I am unable to access that as well. I posted the graphic


Thanks for addressing the issue! - I am able to open it now!

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