C4W4 - Capstone 2 :: Transformation Jobs fails

abc@5e447c1d4ce1:~/workspace/terraform$ aws glue get-job-run --job-name de-c4w4a2-songs-transform-job --run-id jr_d41bdd2bb893f4138a29565fce57f947a51f4a79d585cd961432880e3308edb0 --output text --query “JobRun.JobRunState”

On aws web console I have

But I have not permissions to check logs:

Input args

Can you help me ? I am blocked.

Hi @campa - Our team is currently looking into this issue. In the meantime, can you fill out this form? I think a refresh to the AWS account assigned to you in this lab would solve the problem. Please allow us 2 business days to resolve the request.

I traied to fill the form, but there are only these mandatory options, see the attached screenshot:

And no one of these match my case,

Is it possible to not pay the next month of the course ? I was expecting to be able to complete all last Friday…

It doesn’t matter which option you pick, the staff will figure it out.

Retried the lab from the beginning, restoring my files and it worked out.
Same code, no idea of the problem.

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I am getting this error when i am running the song transformation job. Has anyone come across this error?

Hello @ManikandanBellan
Did you wait for the extract jobs to succeed before running the transformation jobs?

@Amir_Zare : I restarted the lab and followed the order. It went through successfully now. I think I might have missed the order earlier. Thanks for responding

I am also stuck on this for more than 2 days now.
I got similar failures first and tried several foramts until I ran out of time.
Now I cannot even start the lab since then … here is the thread to the starting the lab failure

The same problem.
here is the detail of the failure. Seems to be a permissin problem.

abc@519957c23bb5:~/workspace/terraform$ aws glue get-job-run --job-name de-c4w4a2-json-transform-job --run-id jr_1a4d8008b6230bfed8d18aa3c4037d2271641ef4d710f743cb0c77fafe066170
“JobRun”: {
“Id”: “jr_1a4d8008b6230bfed8d18aa3c4037d2271641ef4d710f743cb0c77fafe066170”,
“Attempt”: 0,
“JobName”: “de-c4w4a2-json-transform-job”,
“JobMode”: “SCRIPT”,
“JobRunQueuingEnabled”: false,
“StartedOn”: 1735776204.879,
“LastModifiedOn”: 1735776341.784,
“CompletedOn”: 1735776341.784,
“JobRunState”: “FAILED”,
“ErrorMessage”: “AnalysisException: Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on de_c4w4a2_transform_db (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 9477e440-d2de-4ef2-80b9-993d46ca4c8e; Proxy: null)”,
“PredecessorRuns”: ,
“AllocatedCapacity”: 2,
“ExecutionTime”: 100,
“Timeout”: 5,
“MaxCapacity”: 2.0,
“WorkerType”: “G.1X”,
“NumberOfWorkers”: 2,
“LogGroupName”: “/aws-glue/jobs”,
“GlueVersion”: “4.0”

Hello @Sabergit and @David_Schmid
Can you guys too please fill out the lab refresh form?

Hello @Amir_Zare again,
if you mean the Data Engineering Lab Issue Report, I have already filled it before. If it’s another form please provide some more information.

Is there any time window in which the issue might get resolved?
I have only the Capstone project left from the whole Certification now due to the failure of the lab : (

Hello @Sabergit
I’m really sorry and appreciate your patience. The delays are due to the holidays, and I hope the refreshes are handled soon. I will personally send a message to them and ask to speed up the process as much as possible.

Yes me the same. I just wait it to be resolved to finish the a certificate. I don’t want to pay for another month only, because there is an issue with the Lab.

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@Sabergit I was informed that your lab was refresh on December 30th. Can you please try the lab again to see if the issue is resolved?

I could now start the lab, finally.
I’m not so sure on the when it has been working though because I did not try in the meanwhile since the 30th failure.

Thank you for the follow up @Amir_Zare
I can now focus on the assignments.

@Amir_Zare And my problem? Any news?
Thank you.

Hello @David_Schmid
I was waiting for the update on your lab. Yours is refreshed too now. Can you please try again?

Hello @Amir_Zare
Thank you, perfect it worked. :slight_smile: