C4_W4 Lab - Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s)

I’m running into an issue while working on Part 1 of the Capstone Project. When I try to run the transformation Glue jobs, I get an error about insufficient Lake Formation permissions.
I’ve gone back through the previous steps to see if I missed anything, but I haven’t been able to figure it out. Any help would be really appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

AnalysisException: Unable to verify the existence of the default database. com.amazonaws.services.glue.model.AccessDeniedException:
Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on default
(Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException;
Request ID: fb587b1c-63eb-406a-9fcf-6a74f60d5bd5; Proxy: null)

Hello @Cristian_Nita,
The Insufficient Lake Formation permission can be fixed via a lab refresh form . Please wait 3 business days after you submit the form and try again. Hope it helps

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Hello @Cristian_Nita, sorry this is the correct form link. Hope it helps

Thank you very much!

Has it helped? I have the same problem now…

Hello @Volha.B,
Could you fill this form, it takes 2-3 business days for a lab refresh. Thank you

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Thank you, form submitted!