I’m not sure if I’ve done something wrong or missed a step, but when running the following command in the Visual Studio Code terminal as instructed in the Jupyter notebook: aws glue start-job-run --job-name de-c4w4a2-json-transform-job
I encountered the same issue. In the AWS Console, under AWS Glue > ETL Jobs, the job run has a “Failed” status with the following exception message:
AnalysisException: Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on de_c4w4a2_transform_db
(Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException;
Request ID: f3e13364-62d8-4273-b96f-32154bc047b8; Proxy: null)
Additionally, I noticed that my running user in the AWS Console (top-right corner) is prefixed with voclabs/.
Could you please help me identify what might be missing so I can successfully complete the project? I’d greatly appreciate any guidance you can provide.
Hello @rrosa
The Insufficient Lake Formation permission can be fixed via a lab refresh. Please, fill out this lab refresh form and try again after 3 working days.
Hi @Amir_Zare Im getting the following error after running the glue start-job-run. Can I get help on this please?
An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the StartJobRun operation: User: arn:aws:sts::471112906237:assumed-role/VSCodeInstanceRole/i-0353661b5af2b206e is not authorized to perform: glue:StartJobRun on resource: arn:aws:glue:us-east-1:471112906237:job/glue_api_users_extract_job because no identity-based policy allows the glue:StartJobRun action
Hello @Edmund_Koh
I guess you are using a wrong value for the job name in the glue start job command. Please, provide the full command you use so that we can check it.
@Edmund_Koh As I said, glue_api_user_extract_job is not the correct job name. You need to get the value of the output named glue_api_user_extract_job from terraform and use that value as the job name in the command.
It took me a little while to retry, but I finally got around to it today, and everything ran smoothly! I just wanted to update you and sincerely thank you for your help—I really appreciate it!