C4W4 Capstone part 1: Permissions issues on transform job


I’m facing several issues with the part 1 of capstone project in C4W4.
Yesterday I’ve been facing the permissions issue already described in another topic for the part 2
“AnalysisException: Unable to verify existence of default database: com.amazonaws.services.glue.model.AccessDeniedException: Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on default (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: ec25234f-dddd-4b28-aaf9-dfb62ed4677b; Proxy: null)”

Today I’ve been trying again and this time got the issue about already existing DB for glue catalog, that I’ve been able to pass by changing DB name, but again the same permission issue with transform job.

Could you please reset my environment so that I can complete this course in the coming days and finally achieve what I’m paying for :slight_smile: ?
PS: aside some issues already reported the course was great so far!


Hello @pgen1,
Thanks for taking the time explaining your issue. After the time runs out the lab resets and a new lab session should start. You can always complete this form so a staff can refresh your lab. About the transform job failing make sure you use the correct name from the terraform output. Hope it helps


I had filled the form 2 days ago, and retrying today I do not have the error with duplicate Glue catalog anymore (it seems to indicate my environment was reset I suppose) however I’m still blocked with the same error around LakeFormation permissions when running the transform job (and I’ve been double checking all the changes in file).

AnalysisException: Insufficient Lake Formation permission(s) on de_c4w4a1_silver_db (Service: AWSGlue; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 369945e8-8797-4eff-96b4-5e3311ae2f03; Proxy: null)

What should be the next step so that I can finally complete the professional certificate? I will fill out the form again today but how can I know that my environment has been reset? Will I receive a notification once the operation is complete?

Finally, I see the same error, among others, has been impacting other users, is there a fix applied or a test of env validity done after the reset?

Thank you!

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hello , even i am getting the same issue for tranform glue job, any solution?

Hello @vishal1238 and @pgen1,
The only solution I can give is to complete the form which takes two business days to perform a lab refresh. I could find post1 and post2 by other people and the lab doesn’t load for me to try and reproduce the issue. You should be notified by a staff and hopefully your lab is fixed. Thanks