Certificate for course 1

Hello, all.

So I am enrolled in the specialization and just finished the first of 5 courses yesterday.
Thank you for this great course at such a great price.

I did pay for the course and I was wondering where I can get a copy of my certificate.
If someone can inform me about this, it’d be much appreciated.

@Gary_Kim , Did you get certificate ? Can you share location/link from where we can download/view Course 1 certificate !

Hi @Gary_Kim and @kdsharmaai, once you finish the course in every manner, the page automatically leads you to the place to get your certificate downloaded. In case, it’s not happening then go to your account and check for the courses you have enrolled. It will lead you to the ‘courses in completion’—> click it and then download it. Thanks!

@Rashmi Yes I had downloaded certificate, but in my case it was not seen there (though I had completed all assignments), than I had verified my name (from settings → Name Verification) and after that certificate generated (enabled)