Classwork 1, Week 3, Logistic Regression

Hi guys, please how can I recover the hints section to complete the practice quiz of the week 3, final practice quiz of the supervised Machine learning Classification.

I can’t access the hints to compute these parameters


Regression Assignment|690x234

Are you referring to a graded quiz, or to a programming assignment?

I’m referring to the programming assignment boss

I am not the boss.

To recover the original notebook, use this procedure.

  • Use the File->Rename option, and rename your current notebook.
  • Use the “Lab Help” tool and “Get latest version”. The Lab Help tool is the question-mark inside a circle, in the upper right corner of your browser. This will give you a new copy of the notebook.
  • Use the “File → Open” option and double-click on the new notebook. Then it will open in the Labs environment, and you can start over.

That’s perfect. Very much appreciated

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