Community link gives error on Firefox

The community link at the bottom right is broken. After clicking it, the page changes to the screen below. Looks like a bug in Next.js navigation.

Hi @abitrolly, you can try refreshing the page, clearing your browser cache, checking for updates, and changing your browser if the issue persists.

Did you try on other browser? Chrome? Did you encounter same issue again?

The web site is just not being tested on Firefox, and I believe it is not Next.js problem, but in the custom code for Here is the screenshot with console.

And as caniuse indicates, ancestorOrigins is not supported by Firefox.

I am not a web developer, so I can just guess that some polyfill is expected to make the web site work across browsers. But the main question is - why the link requires JS processing at all…

@Deepti_Prasad I encounter the issue again. Can you confirm the web-site problem with Firefox?

I appreciate the advice to change browser, but my workflow and tools depend on Firefox, and I’d like to continue using it.

hi @abitrolly

can you share a screenshot about what it is showing now??

Hi @Deepti_Prasad. Sure.

hi @abitrolly

can I know you are working on your personal system or your work/job provided system?

as the screen shows client side exception check browser console.

check in the browser setting if your console setting doesn’t allow you to run these course videos.


It is plain Fedora 40 Workstation system with no company level supervision and control software, if that’s what are you asking for. Firefox is installed from official Fedora repository.

Installed packages
Name            : firefox
Epoch           : 0
Version         : 130.0
Release         : 3.fc40
Architecture    : x86_64
Installed size  : 222.0 MiB
Source          : firefox-130.0-3.fc40.src.rpm
From repository : updates
Summary         : Mozilla Firefox Web browser
URL             :
License         : LicenseRef-Callaway-MPLv1.1 OR GPL-2.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Callaway-LGPLv2+
Description     : Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, designed for standards
                : compliance, performance and portability.
Vendor          : Fedora Project

So my question is - can you or somebody from the development team run Firefox and confirm the problem?

Do you know if guys run automated tests like Selenium for the learning platform? If not, I can help with setting them up and adding Firefox driver to ensure there are no regressions and bugs like this in the future.

I am tagging L.t for the short course, @Mubsi can you check what is issue with Firefox browser being used for short course learning

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Thanks for letting me know, I have reported this to the team.