Complete newbie here

Hello everyone, I’m Symond! A complete beginner when it comes to the world of AI and machine learning. I decided to join and ask for guidance on my journey. I’m looking for any tips that may help me get a grasp on things.

Welcome to the DLAI forums! You’ve come to the right place, but in order to offer any guidance, it would help to know more about both your background and your goals. Are you looking to understand the implications of AI to society and to your fields of interest or do you want to apply AI to some area of your expertise or are you already a software developer in some other field and want to switch careers into being a developer in the AI/ML space? If that latter, then how extensive is your programming experience in general and how familiar are you with python?



Please message me for any help you in understanding machine learning.


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i don’t have any programming experience. I’ve recently started deeplearning.AI course and reason i did was to land a job with DataAnnotation as an AI trainer, AI writer or Copy Editor.

thanks, i appreciate it.

Thanks for the further details. If I’m understanding correctly, it sounds like you are more interested in applying AI techniques than becoming an engineer developing new AI algorithms. In that case, take a look at the course catalog here and look for relevant courses. There are some like AI for Everyone that introduce what AI is capable of for a general audience, but that course was published in 2021 (I think) before the whole revolution in LLMs that started with ChatGPT. There are a number of pretty recent “short courses” about LLMs, but a lot of them are targeted more at developers as opposed to people wanting to apply AI techniques. But that is not my area of expertise, so I’m not really the best person to advise about that. I’m spending my time on the developer side of things with courses like the Deep Learning Specialization, which is primarily about building neural networks.

I hope some other people will offer advice as well. Also let us know what you find in the catalog and how that goes.