It proceeds till 50% but fails to load further. Unable to complete program assignment of course 2 week 3
Hello Indira,
This is what QA team has responded as many are facing same issues
We are aware that some of the notebooks from various courses are not loading and run into an error. Coursera has been informed of this issue and hopefully it will be resolved soon.
Follow this post for updates.
(Thank you to those who replied. We wanted to get an understanding about the extent of the issue. Thanks to your replies, we now have a clear picture. In order for your replies to be easily readable, replying to this thread has been closed. Please don’t send direct messages.)
Thank you for your patience,
DeepLearning.AI QA Team
So appreciate your patience. Follow the post to know when the issue would be resolved.
Hello Indira,
Coursera has informed us that the issue has been fixed.
Please try working on your assignment again.
Thank you for your patience.
Deep Learning AI QA Team