I am getting the error below with my code when I am running it. But I can’t seem to find the issue with my code, it looks correct for me, I did the same as what the hint said AND the formula is the same as the hazard ratio mentionned in the instruction. Can anyone can help me with this?
Error: Wrong output. One possible solution: make sure i = 1 and j = 5
2 Tests passed
1 Tests failed
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
7 # DO NOT modify anything below
----> 8 hazard_ratio_test(hazard_ratio, i, j, one_hot_train, cph)
~/work/W4A1/public_tests.py in hazard_ratio_test(target, i, j, one_hot_train, cph)
88 ]
—> 90 multiple_test(test_cases, target)
~/work/W4A1/test_utils.py in multiple_test(test_cases, target)
121 print(‘\033[92m’, success," Tests passed")
122 print(‘\033[91m’, len(test_cases) - success, " Tests failed")
→ 123 raise AssertionError(“Not all tests were passed for {}. Check your equations and avoid using global variables inside the function.”.format(target.name))
AssertionError: Not all tests were passed for hazard_ratio. Check your equations and avoid using global variables inside the function.