Courser advanced computer vision grader given vague error

The notebook of Week 3 of the advanced computer vision for tensorflow indicates that I have succeded with sufficient score. When I save the model and submit it. I get a 0 score and a vague std err out message. I can not continue. There are more people with the same issue and there are is no response nor support from any course moderator on Coursera. Can anyone provide some decend support to get met going again

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Hi Sacha! Please check your inbox. I’ll try to see what might be the issue. Thanks!

To other learners who face the same issue, the problem was an incompatibility with the grader. If you’re going to use a loss, please use this syntax:

loss='<loss string name>'

instead of:


The latter approach has an axis parameter that the grader does not recognize. We will be updating the grader to accommodate both declarations but in the meantime, please use the first approach. Thank you!

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