Dice Roll Question


now, i really broke my brain on that one because I could not find any answer matching the given ones.
I even asked two more people, each of which getting a different impression on how the experiment was supposed to be understood.
So i’d like to propose a bit of a ‘re-wording’ (given that I now understood it correctly :slight_smile: ):
“You roll a dice. If it shows a value less than 4 (excluding 4), you roll two dice and sum the result of the second double-dice-roll. Otherwise, if the first roll shows a number greater than 3, you roll a single dice and obtain your result from the number this second single-dice-roll shows.
What is the probability of getting a 6 as final result after the second roll”

Did I get this one right, or is there maybe still something wrong with my approach?

Those were the two other ways it was understood:

  • Sum the first single-dice-roll with the second single-dice-roll, if first roll gives <4
  • Sum second double-dice-roll
  • Take the first roll, given you obtain a 6, done
  • if value >4, roll two-dice and sum up
  • If the result of the DOUBLE-DICE-roll is <4, do another single-dice-roll and obtain value from second single-dice-roll
    (That way it’s three layers)

Hope that can be useful.



Hey @Christian_Kiesewette!

Thanks for your feedback. You have understood it correctly. I think the best way in this case is to make a small example of the game just before, to illustrate what is going on. I will forward it to our team.
