Hi, I have completed all of the assignments, videos and supplementary readings. However, I still have not got my certificate of DLS Course 5. But I’ve got the certificate for 1-4.
Thanks for help.
Hey @982969871,
What is the status of all of the items in the Grades menu?
Hi, the status of all of the items in the Grads menu is like this:
As is can be seen, only the “Sequence Model” has no accomplishment.
Hey @982969871,
I meant the status of the items in the Grades menu of the Sequence Models course.
Hi @Elemento ,
Sorry I didn’t understand previously. The status of the items in the Grades menu of the Sequence Models course is like this:
Thank you so much for help.
Hey @982969871,
If all the grades have been received, then please contact the Coursera support. They will help you out.
OK, I will contact the Coursera support. Thank you so much!