On the video for Getting your Matrix Dimensions Right even with 720px the resolution is not good compared to the previous video.
Thank you for your feedback @Nick2, I’ll take a look at it.
It havn’t resolved now. Could you please look at that video again?
Hi, Charlie.
Yes, I can see that. Thanks for reminding us again.
@Mubsi, could you please help Charlie in this regard. Thanks!
I have noted it down, and will send it to the video team soon.
Just giving a bump on this issue. I see that the resolution for video is too low even with video settings as high as 720 . Tagging @Mubsi for resolution. I think video team missed this. Can you do a follow up on this issue
As mentioned earlier, this has been noted down and forwarded to the video team. I’ll give them a nudge.
It’s now nearly 2 years since this issue was first reported and the video is still fuzzy on the 720p setting. There is also an obvious skip right at the start, around the 17 second mark.
Hi @rne,
This was looked into, but couldn’t be resolved. The team used AI to enhance the video quality, but for some instances it got better, for others it got more worse. So we kept the current video quality.
The best, but is somewhat impossible, solution is to get Andrew to record it again, But this can’t be done in the foreseeable future.