DLS Course 4: When Saving: "Permission denied: W4A1/Face_Recognition.ipynb"

Hi @Kirk_Walker @Todd_Darcie @Syed_Adil_Hassan110 @Vaibhav_M

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience. I understand how frustrating this is. But this problem is Coursera wide and they are looking into the issue. We have no other option but to wait. Sadly, we don’t know the exact time when the problem will be resolved but hope they will resolve it soon.

Your patience will be highly appreciated. Once they resolve the issue, we will inform you.


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Hi. I was also having problems with submitting and downloading.
One solution I found to download the notebook until Coursera servers are fixed is -

Instead of downloading the notebook from file->download, click on Lab Files on the top right side (near to View Grades button), keep navigating until you reach all files, click on the checkbox of FaceRecogonition.ipynb and download it.

It will be downloaded as a fresh notebook with your code reset but you can copy and paste the code from your Coursera’s unsaved notebook.

Then you can save it locally until they fix Coursera servers and upload the same later.


Yeah, thanks @astrovishalthakur for guiding your fellow learners. We highly appreciate your post.


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Same issue here (exactly the way that Vaibah_M mentioned it), this time with C5W3A2 - “Trigger Word Detection”.

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Hello community,

I face the same error here with Face Recognition Assignment.

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Hi guys,

I am currently facing the same error with C4 W1 First Assignment

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Hi @Grzegorz_Dluzewski @Christos_Alpos @RafliRozaan!

As you can see everyone facing this issue, so we request you to wait for a while. This problem is Coursera wide and they are looking into the issue. We have no other option but to wait. Sadly, we don’t know the exact time when the problem will be resolved but hope they will resolve it soon.

Your patience will be highly appreciated. Once they resolve the issue, we will inform you.



A small hint: you could at least put a warning or a notification on the Coursera website after this has been going on for about 24h… maybe this way you can save the next few (thousands of) people from wasting their time.


Hello @Daniel_Braun!

We highly appreciate your suggestions but we are just volunteers and are not the same as Coursera’s staff. Also, we do not have access to change anything on a website.


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Same error here for the W1A1 in the section of Sequence Models.

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Hi @Sixto_Garzon @Yan_WEN
We are aware of this. Once the issue resolved, we will inform you.



Additional “Me too!” posts are not necessary.
We’re aware of the issue.

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay.

Kindly try this:

  1. From the blank notebook, click File -> Open.
  2. Tick the running notebook.
  3. Click Shutdown then Duplicate.
  4. Rename the old notebook (any filename).
  5. Rename the duplicate with the original filename (basically, just remove the -Copy1 string).
  6. Open this newly renamed notebook.
  7. You should be able to save this and also see the submit button after a minute.

You “might see an error about checkpoints failing. I think that’s okay because that’s related to the permissions of the hidden .ipynb_checkpoints folder. That is not needed for grading as far as I know. The changes should persist in the actual notebook itself even if they see that error. I submitted the notebook and got the expected grade.”

@Yan_WEN @Sixto_Garzon @Daniel_Braun @RafliRozaan @Christos_Alpos @Grzegorz_Dluzewski @astrovishalthakur @Syed_Adil_Hassan110 @Sahil_Talwar @Todd_Darcie

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@Kirk_Walker @Vaibhav_M @KE_WANG1 @carlos_guia @Tien_Hoang1 @Cliff_Nadler @Stephen_Ermshar

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Cannot duplicate:

An error occurred while duplicating “W4A1/Face_Recognition.ipynb”.
Permission denied: W4A1/Face_Recognition-Copy1.ipynb

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I think the issue is that we don’t have “Write” access to the folder and its contents. I’m guessing this is an IAM issue. Since Saif is a mentor, he probably he has a different role than a student and can do the copy step.

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Same for me, cannot duplicate file

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The duplicate/rename workaround gives a bunch of permission denied when duplicating and renaming, but ignoring them works.

After duplicating I had to reload to actually see the duplicate, but other than that I was able to submit with this workaround.

Thanks saifkhanengr

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Everyone! Kindly try this.


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Duplicating and then reloading did not help me. I tried several times

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