DLS Course 5 assignment error don't have a submit button

Hello . I have very confused issue in my assignments i don’t have a submit button in my assignments and don’t able to submit my work . I try many things like reboot and update lab but i didn’t get any thing. Any one can help or have an idea to fix these issue ??

When you don’t get the Submit button, it means the kernel isn’t running, or the kernel is still running your code but is too busy to respond.

For example, this can happen if you added some print() statements to your code that outputs a lot of information to the notebook.

Try using the menu option to clear all the output and restart the kernel.

Did the things Tom suggested help? Please let us know. Also please let us know which assignment it is. There is another case in which a student sees no submit button on C5 W1 A1, but then on the other two Week 1 assignments (C5 W1 A2 Dinosaur Names and C5 W1 A3 Jazz Improvisation) the submit buttons were there. If it is W1 A1 in your case also, please try W1 A2 and W1 A3 and see if the button appears there.

I have tried the things you have suggested and clear all the extra code i had written but unfortunately i don’t get any progress .

No the things didn’t help . I have a submit button in C5 W1 A1 and C5 W1 A2 but in C5 W1 A3
(Improvise a Jazz Solo with an LSTM Network) i don’t have

Sorry, but I don’t know what else to suggest, so I think it’s time to ask for help from the course staff. I will contact them and ask them to take a look.

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Hi Zien! Can you send me your lab ID? You can click the Help icon on the upper right of the notebook. The Lab ID is at the bottom of the side panel. Thanks!

Hi @Zien_Mahrouseh
Is your issue resolved? I am facing similar issue for few days. I am not able to see the submit assignment button on C5 W1 A1 and can see it for A2 and A3 of same week assignments.

Hi Vikas! Can you send me your Lab ID for C5 W1 A1? I’ll see what I can do. Thanks!

Hi @chris.favila

The Lab ID is zzbczwhfcjdt
and email ID I use for coursera is xxx@gmail.com

Hi Vikas! Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce the issue. I looked at the lab in your workspace and I could see the Submit Assignment button. Have you tried opening this from a private/incognito session?

Hello Mr Chris, You are a star and a saviour. Private session has helped. Thanks a ton for resolving this for me.

Great! Glad you were able to submit your work! We’ll forward this to Coursera. Maybe there’s a way to make it work without going into a private session. Thanks for the update!

@chris.favila, can you post on the mentor forum what the fix was?

If the fix is using an “anonymous” browser, then maybe the issue is a browser pop-up blocker or something similar.

Odd that such a thing would only impact certain assignments though.

Hi Tom. Yes I replied to the topic in the lounge immediately after replying here. Thanks still for the reminder.

Thanks . The issue has solved it seem to be a network problem due to heavy traffic on my network I actually let the lab for some days and when I went yesterday I found the submit button and passed the assignment.

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