Everything else got completed successfully. There is an issue only in the first step.
The username at https://googlecoursera.qwiklabs.com/focuses/19889030?parent=lti_session is not the same as GCP’s one. Tried logging with student qliklabs credentials, was getting invalid email address. How do we resolve this issue.
January 28, 2022, 11:46am
Hi @manojprabhakar ,
Welcome to the Course!
Support for this issue is currently being requested at Google, see thread below:
I completed Lab 1 but am stuck at grading in the first step - Enabling the AutoML API. All other steps have been graded successfully, but checking the progress in step 1 always gives me the error immediately - “Please enable AutoML API”.
I’ve tried refreshing the google cloud console and the Qwiklabs but no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Best regards
Thanks a lot Maarten… I saw that discussion. I felt the issue was due to different login accounts in both the tabs. That’s the reason, I had raised in this discussion forum.