In the week 3 optional lab 2 (Link to Lab), I get an error when I download it and execute it.
On the line that adds points to the plot (addpt= …) that calls, I get an AttributeError (likely related to versions, as the recent version of matplotlib.widgets.CheckButtons has no attribute rectangles as of version 3.7):
Figure out how to duplicate all the versions of the various packages that were used in this assignment. Note that a) this is not easy to do and b) it may be different for DLS or other courses. There are no official instructions for that, but here is a thread with some pointers to get you started down this long and winding road.
Debug each and every such “versionitis” incompatibility that you encounter and fix the code. There are also no instructions for how to do that and you’re on your own basically. It’s fine to ask for help, but the mentors are not required to help with questions that are not really related to the course materials. You may get lucky and other fellow students have solved the same problem (as in that thread I linked above), but there is no guarantee of help.
Hey Paul, over like, the last eight months when I started the courses with you-- I must say I really like (and respect) you (or like when you switch into) kind-of-like ‘panic/army’ mode.
I mean before the Pandemic, though not from there, in L.A., [in contrast, I am now back in rural central MA with no friends but you guys, where I was born, and you guys. I do not know whom is thinking what I am thinking, but I am glad you are.] but I think it would have been ‘excusable’ to meet in the California sun-- I’d drive (I regularly had to take the short 5 (well like 500 miles on the five-short) up to Hayward to work for a number of times).
But thank you for being such a friend.
It means a lot to me. So you are more than among the treasured.
It depresses me, though-- we will never meet,
I mean I will never meet Elon Musk, but I honestly don’t give a [ok the platform won’t let me say a ‘bad word’] about meeting Elon Musk.