Issue occurs in Lab " Implementing Canary Releases of TensorFlow Model Deployments with Kubernetes and Anthos Service Mesh" on Task 2 " Task 2. Set up your GKE cluster" in Step 1:
Now run the following command in Cloud Shell to create the Kubernetes cluster cluster-1:
I am also getting the same issue running this :
gcloud config set compute/zone {CLUSTER_ZONE}
gcloud beta container clusters create {CLUSTER_NAME}
–workload-pool={WORKLOAD_POOL} \
--monitoring=SYSTEM \
--subnetwork=default \
--release-channel=stable \
--labels mesh_id={MESH_ID}
Hello again! It seems like the cluster settings need to be changed to satisfy the quota requirements. As a temporary solution, please reduce num-nodes to 4 instead of 6 when executing the cluster create command in Task 2. We’ll file a report to our partners so they can push a more permanent fix. Thank you!
the deployment never turns to available, even after waiting for almost an hour
kubectl get deployments
image-classifier-resnet50 0/1 1 0 58m
The lab runs out of time before the deployment is available. Everything ran fine before that, no errors besides the one mentioned in this thread, where I’ve replaced num-nodes from 6 to 4