Error : No notebook was found in the submission directory

I have completed all the exercises in the assignment lab and all unit tests passed successfully. After submitting, 3 of my grade sections are showing this error in the grader output : No notebook was found in the submission directory. Rest were graded successfully.
Can anyone please help me with this?

Are you sure that you didn’t rename your notebook? The grader only grades the notebook that is opened by the “Launch Notebook” link.

I’ve never seen that exact error message before. One other theory I can think of is to make sure you did not alter or remove any of the comments in the template code at the beginning of the graded function blocks like this one:

def compute_gradient(X, Y, R):

The grader uses those “UNQ_C” tags to find your functions.

It might help to see a screen shot of the actual grader output, so that we have a bit more full picture of the error.

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No sir, I did not make any of these changes. The issue is fixed. I clicked on restart kernel and clear all output, saved and submitted again, it was graded successfully as it is.


That’s good news that just doing the “Kernel Restart” fixed things. That’s always a good thing to try. Note that the grader does not need to see the generated output in your notebook: it just calls your functions. So the most efficient way to submit to the grader is:

Kernel -> Restart and Clear Output

That sounds like the exact recipe that you used and it worked! That way you send the minimal amount of data to the grader.