Feedback Course 5

till now I was very happy with the course. The videos and programming tasks were quite fun, good to understand and to pass.
At the beginning of last week, I started course 5 and it is very frustrating. I finished the videos and passed the quiz. But already here the first problems happend. The notation of some questions in the quiz was quite confusing and i had to guess some questions randomly. But okay…
I started the programming tasks - at the third task I failed. In the first part i spend searching one day for the right notation and registered for the discourse forum, since i could not find a way. I found the solution, although i could not explain it. I saw also that i was not the only person suffering from the quiz.
In the second part of the third task i failed completly and opened a thread. No one answered for three days with any help. In those i spend more than twenty hours trying to find the problem - with no success. I am actually very frustrated about the missing advise. Tommorrow morning the times over. Coursera says, I finished 0% which is actually not true - since the first part says all test passed - but does not matter.
I do not understand the sense of uploading such a frustrating task and not offering any help.
Have a nice evening… I am going to bed now - ending this bad week…

Hi Hi Nora Elhaus

Sorry to hear that you have been experiencing a hard time with the course. Please let us know which specialization you are referring to so that we can redirect your concern to the appropriate engineer to look into the details.

DeepLearning.AI QA Team

This thread is in the Deep Learning Specialization forum for Course 5 “Sequence Models”.

Thanks Tom. Will ask the appropriate engineer to take a look.

hey @Hinnerk8, how can I help you ?