Filter cats and dogs images

How is actually we can get the filtered folder which contain cats and dogs ? I’ve tried to download the data from kaggle manually then i saw that the data is mixed up so do we have to filter it manually ?

Hello @rezam123 ,

Welcome to the community!!

If you are talking about the graded assignment, then you don’t need to download separately. Make a copy of the notebook in your gdrive from here : Google Colab

Run the cells as it is given in the notebook to download dataset.

Don’t make changes apart from where it’s asked to write the code. Only add code in between this :


So you don’t need to filter anything.

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta

Not for the graded assignment.

I’m just curious, for my own project or if I try to compete in one of the competition on kaggle in the future.

Btw thanks for the answer

Hello @rezam123 ,

Yeah, for classification of cats and dogs, you have to do data pre-processing then train of your model with data such that it can learn which is cat which is dog. Then evaluation.

With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta