Hello! My name is Cindy Ross and I’m new to the world of deep learning. My background is in sales enablement for Cybersecurity at Google, and I’ve recently become fascinated by the potential of deep learning in our field. I earned my Cybersecurity Certification on Coursera to strengthen my foundational knowledge. I’m excited to be part of this forum and learn from all of you as I explore this new direction. Connect with me on LinkedIn.
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Welcome to the community @cindyross.
Good luck in your pursuits.
Thanks Just passed the DeepLearning.AI coursera course. On my way to being more effective at AI.
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by the google, of the google, for the googlites too !
Hi Cindy:
I just sent you a connection invite on linkedin:[Rex Coleman - Singularity Cybersecurity | LinkedIn]
We have common interests (AI + Cybersecurity) and even worked at the same company (Mandiant/FireEye).
Completed Machine Learning Specialization, in final course of Deep Learning Specialization.
Would be great to build a community of passionate AI + Cybersecurity folks!