From Colombia: AI and Cybersecurity

Greetings, neurons and hackers. My name is Juan Sebastian Caballero, BSC in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science with Minors in Cybersecurity and AI. I’m here to learn from DeepLearning.AI but also from the community. Do not hesitate to reach me out!

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Welcome dear friend. I am new here, and I’m here to learn too. Is my pleasure knowing you through Deeplearning.AI

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Thanks Anicom, nice to meet you!

Thanks jscaballerodev. You happen to be my first friend here. Do you a fair knowledge about machine learning and AI? I’m just a beginner looking for guidance :pray:

Take some courses. I’ll suggest to start understanding AI basics, basic algorithms, differences between parameters and hyperparameters and then you can decide what path you would like to deep in. There are a lot of fields you can dive into, but having good fundamentals is essential. courses are great, but I also recommend Databricks Intro to Generative AI course, Hugging Face and Langchain tutorials for a practical approach and Nvidia courses for both technical al theoretical. I highly recommend you to buy a coursera course, those are great and have projects within it. Enjoy this field, is amazing!

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Thanks so much.