Graded Programming Assignment won't mark as submitted even though it's done and is graded

I’m having trouble with getting the Graded programming assignment from week 1 (graph databases & Vector search) to submit properly. The green checkmark won’t show up.
When I re-enter into the assignment and click on the “Grades” link, I see my evaluations and my grades. But in the overview page, the Assignment is shown as “Started”.

Is this a known issue? What can I do to make sure the assignment is submitted properly?

Hello @marinaganopolsky
If you see your grades in Vocareum and your grade is more than the minimum required grade for passing the assignment, you should see the green check on your assignment in Coursera as well. In my case, the green check on Coursera has always appeared when I refreshed the page after a few minutes from getting the grade in Vocareum. Are you still not able to see it in Coursera?

Hi Amir - I Thoguht this as well and waited over night to see if that would happen. Unfortunately there’s still no checkmark. I have screenshots from coursera and vocareum with details - enclosed below

I recommend you report the issue to the Coursera Help Center. Progress tracking is Coursera’s technology.

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