Grading issue (0/100) every submission

Hello everyone, i am encountering a problem and it is about the grading of my assignment. Even though 5/6 exercises have passed all of the tests i still get 0/100 points. To mention, in the mean time i have found a “fix” here on the forum, which does not work in my situation. The steps are:

  1. Rename File
  2. From “Help” menu loaded latest version of lab
  3. From “File” menu opened new ‘latest version’. PS: not the renamed file
  4. Solved all exercises again and submitted

I have done it all still no solution. Thank you in advance.
My lab id: zvselngwdcwt

Note that the mentors cannot directly look at your work, so the lab ID does us no good.

Please show us the message from the grader by clicking “Show grader output” and paste a screenshot.

Does the one test that does not pass in the notebook throw any kind of error or exception? If the grader gets an exception, then you get 0 points for everything because it can’t complete the execution.

The other general point to make is that just passing the test cases in the notebook doesn’t guarantee your code is fully correct. If you hard-code anything in a way that matches the local test cases, the grader may use a different test case. And if that test failure results in an exception (e.g. dimension mismatch), then you get the scenario I mentioned above: 0 points because the grader can’t actually complete.

Thank you, it was as you said. The last exercises was outputting an exception, and i fixed it. Thank you again.

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That’s great news that you were able to get to a solution based on that suggestion. Onward! :nerd_face: