Guidance around learning, development and career

Hello everyone, I’m seeking some advice and guidance around how to further my development in AI. I’ve done an ‘A-Z in AI’ course on Udemy which was good for background knowledge but I didn’t feel as though it helped me for any career relevance.

I’m not really sure where to start with courses, I’ve done a few on DeepLearning.AI and am trying to learn python when I can as I’ve seen most courses include it. My current job kind of revolves around where as a business we can apply AI (I’ve worked in a few departments so I know problem points which can be fixed) and creating prompts for different tools and workflows. I don’t know lots about AI but I was given the role as no one else in business knows anymore than me and I’ve been successful at creating prompts.

I’m feeling some real imposter syndrome in the role especially as I’m young and haven’t been university educated. I want to feel more confident in my role and figure out my next steps or just gather a list of courses to work through in an order which will help my development. I’m a very keen and quick learner, I’m just a bit lost among the the mass amount of courses and information. Thanks :slight_smile:

Python for Everybody by the University of Michigan in Coursera is a good Python course, it seems. Also, the specializations here are good in terms of AI, starting with the Machine Learning Specialization and then the Deep Learning Specialization if you know some Python.

Focus on foundational Python (like “Automate the Boring Stuff”) and then dive into specific AI/ML courses like Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course on Coursera or the DeepLearning.AI specialization. For hands-on practice, Kaggle is fantastic for building skills and portfolios.