Career help

Hi There,

My name is Ahmed. 23 years old, from Egypt.
I’m a fresh graduate mechanical engineer and very interested in AI and machine learning.
Honestly, I don’t have a big picture of this Field and how it’s related to my field of study (mechanical engineering).

So I hope that anyone has a good experience with that tells me what to do and what to focus on.

best regards,

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Hi Ahmed, im in the same situation, need some path, and some projects to start

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Unfortunately, Very little content online about that. So we should go to someone with experience in the field to help and give us the road map to start.

I recommend you start by attending some courses.
The Machine Learning Specialization is a good starting point.

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im starting with the deep learning Specialization

@padrinis, how are your Python skills?

i would say, basic

im already in the course 3 in the deep learning courses (its been hard)

The MLS course provides a more gentle introduction to Python. DLS jumps right into the middle (and it gets deeper as you proceed).

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thats why its being hard :sweat_smile:
will start the MLS after this shorter third course

What do you recommend, doing MSL and next DLS, and after the two courses what i can do to get a job? and to become really good

Sorry, I can’t give career advice.

To become really good, you need experience. That means taking a lot of courses in topics that interest you, and working on a lot of extra projects.

Kaggle is a good resource, and you can get lots of datasets online for free to practice on.

Thank you for the help, just one more thing, you know any good dataset online for free to practice on, that can give me a lot of knowledge?


Search for the “UCI Machine Learning Repository”.

Hi again Tmosh, I’m finishing the Machine Learning course, and want to gain some experience for some work, in your experience what is the best way for me next?
Start in kaggle for example?
or doing some project like replicate some youtube video?
Or you know some good coursera courses to follow next?

Feel free to check out the path i am following->

Using Kaggle is a good idea.

I don’t know of any video projects that you should replicate. I don’t follow any of those channels.

What’s the best way to get started with kaggle? Is that also for beginners? or already mid?

To learn, check out the Kaggle competitions that are marked ‘Knowledge’. The challenges there range from basic to mid-range, but part of the idea as well is many other people have worked on solving these problems, so if you get stuck you can always ask for help.

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