The test log does not specify whether for exercises 2 and 3 the json should be delivered as a file with a specific name or just run as a json from the console It does NOT SAY WHAT IT IS EXPECTED TO DO OR HOW TO DO IT.
Hi @Hvnt3rK3ys ! Sorry if the feedback was not clear. Happy to assist with that.
In exercise 2, after you fill out the function “paginated_new_releases”, there is this cell where you you have to check one of the item in the returned response:
Did you make sure to run it? What did you get as response?
Similar to exercise 2, in exercise 3, after you fill out the funcion, there is this cell:
Did you make sure to run it? What did you get as response?
I had the same issue. Try submiting just after you finish exercise 3. Do not do the remaining exercises, you should pass with 80/100. It is a shame that this issue persists.
La buena maestro era asi , If someone else has the same issue just complete the exercise 2 and 3 then the ex 7 and submmit, the env has a kind of glitch grading all the steps together, honestly this lab is tricky and kinda horrible to get real feedback by a machine
As a maintainers you should fix the testing steps for this lab, thank you by the way
Thank you @Hvnt3rK3ys and @Francisco_Machado for reporting this issue with grading. We will check it and fix it.